
Randall Wallace full hd Braveheart torrentday

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❂ ★★★★★★★★



Director=Mel Gibson; Country=USA; Tells the story of the legendary thirteenth century Scottish hero named William Wallace. Wallace rallies the Scottish against the English monarch and Edward I after he suffers a personal tragedy by English soldiers. Wallace gathers a group of amateur warriors that is stronger than any English army; ; 918550 Votes; Actor=Sophie Marceau, Mel Gibson. Just the trailer is epic! What a wonderful movie. Alongside with Gladiator Braveheart was an introduction to manhood for me. A boy needs his heroes! And I dont care about historical correctness, even being a huge historyfan myself. Just as those brave young men serving Scotland, I am going back in the service of my country,and every time im down or when the big evil world attacks, I always think of that little outnumbred rebelarmy of brave scots who stood up against tyranny and told their enemy-they can take our lives but they never take OUR FREEDOM.

When listening to this music theme, I always have goosebumps. Brilliant arrangement, throughly enjoyed amigo👍😊. I get by with a little help from my friend... Thank the Stars that at least 25% of me is Irish. It was ok. I would just read the book instead of I were you! It was kind of boring and never really came to an exciting "high. Do the Star Trek Main Theme by Michael Giacchino. Whats this song called. K A Y I S I L A N D I N. Hrabri škotski ratnik okuplja vojsku Škota i kreće u rat protiv engleskih okupatora Priču o legendarnom Viliamu Valasu na film je pretočio slavni Mel Gibson i tako snimio jedan od najboljih filmova svoje karijere. Dvostrukim zaduženjem, kao režiser i glavni glumac, Mel Gibson je filmom "Hrabro srce" konačno razbio i posljednje predrasude kritičara koji su ga doživljavali kao puku akcijsku zvezdu koja zavisi o inspiraciji drugih. Veštom kontrolom epske priče te lakim ocrtavanjem tadašnje društveno-političke scene u Škotskoj, Gibson je snimio film koji će vas zabaviti u moru spektakularnih ratnih scena, ali i podsetiti kako je sloboda najvredniji dar čovečanstvu. Nakon što je još kao mladić prisustvovao okrutnim likvidacijama škotskih plemića, koje su engleski okupatori mnogo puta izigrali i prevarili te nakon što su mu i otac i brat poginuli u bitkama protiv Engleza, Viliam Valas čovekom je postao odrastajući kod ujaka Argila, koji ga je naučio svemu što zna. Zbog  zakona koji dozvoljava engleskim lordovima spavanje sa škotskim mladenkama prve noći njihova venčanja, Viliam se sa Muron oženio u tajnosti, ali je ona kasnije ubijena u sukobu sa plemstvom. Ogorčen svime što je celog života gledao te razbešnjen smrću svoje ljubavi, Viliam okuplja vojsku najhrabrijih Škota te kreće u rat protiv Engleza. Iako od strane engleskih vođa podcenjen kao pučanin koji nikakva znanja o ratnoj taktici nema, Valas svoje vojnike uspeva dovesti sve do tvrđave Jork, ali kasnije bude izdan od najbližih suboraca, iz redova domaćeg plemstva. Mučki i krvožedno uben, Valas je u svesti i predaji škotskih gorštaka ostao živeti kao simbol slobode, koju su godinama kasnije i izborili. “Hrabro srce” drugi je režiserski rad Mela Gibsona i do "Pasije” njegov najveći uspeh. Taj iznimno naturalistički istorijski film sa melodramskim primesama nominiran je za deset Oskara, a dobio ih je pet: za najbolji film, režiju, fotografiju, masku i montažu zvučnih efekata; također je nagrađen i Zlatnim globusom za najbolju režiju.

I think my balls just dropped. This is one of best films ever. This is Mel Gibson's best performance and best film All of the other leads did very well too. Angus Macfadyen was very good as well as Bruce It was very interesting to see his character change throughout the film. Braveheart is an extremely well done film in every way. John Toll's brilliant Cinematography is a sight to see and the editing by Steven Rosenblum is great Oh, and most of all: James Horner's haunting, yet utterly beautiful musical score. A shining example of how music can really make a movie. Horner's music is, in my opinion, the heart of the film. To me, the music he composed for this film is the best score I've ever heard for any movie. This is a very powerful, heartfelt movie. I've seen it over 10 times and it can still make me bawl. I love Braveheart and I highly recommend seeing it.

The piano speaks to my soul. 🥀. Coming from Scotland I loved Braveheart. Then I turned ten and realised that it was a cinematic piece of crap. The accents are so bad by every single actor that I cant help but cringe my arse off (you know that really bad kind of cringe like when you remember farting extremely loudly in a job interview. The fact that the whole thing was filmed in Ireland with Irish actors was also a rather big factor in sealing this movie the 'Worst Scattish movie based on Scattish people but made by Americans' title. For a start the film was based on a POEM. Randall couldn't have just researched a few separate history books and built up a decent picture of what really happened. Too easy. He based it on a poem written by a guy called Blind Harry two decades after the events happened. Completely logical. You know what I can see why people like it. Its got romance, adventure, violence. I would be fine with that if (stupid) people didn't take this as complete historic proof that Wallace was an all round hero. He wasn't. He raped and murdered his way to the top. Fair enough he did fight for Scotlands independence, but where has that really got us? Were still part of the UK being controlled by England so the whole revolutionary tale in the movie is balls. I don't get why an American or Australian would make this movie. Surely their countries cant be so dry of culture that they have to start stealing other peoples? I know every one says their 'half scatch' or 'three quarters Irish' but their just kidding themselves. Leave the Scottish movies to the Scots. After all I'm sure the yanks wouldn't like us making a movie about their own war of independence filmed in Canada starring New Zealanders eh.

I didn't like him anyway. He wasn't the head One of my favorite lines in the movie from Stephen. 😂😂😂. This movie was so emotional. romantic, sad and funny. the ending was heart breaking. Mel Gibson igra glavnu ulogu a potpisan je i kao reditelj ove snažne sage o brutalnoj borbi Škotske za nezavisnost u 13. veku. Kada su engleske trupe napastvovale a potom i ubile ženu Vilijama Volasa, njegova žudnja za osvetom ubrzo... Celokupan sadržaj se može videti na dan prikazivanja. Možda ti se čini da sam srce zaledila. Ali nisam. Toplo je i meko, više nego prije. Jedino što vrijedi i jedino što imam. U njemu čuvam najljepše note, trenutke sreće i nektar dobrote.... U njemu sanjam najljepše snove, žudnje i strasti ljubavi svoje. Centar mog bića, izvor života, bogata hrana za kćer, i za sina. U srcu stoji još jedna škrinja, u njoj su dragulji s osjećajima. Život mi reče, da je zbog toga najčešća meta sirovim lopovima. Zato sam zidove podigla, lancima okovala, zmajeve na vrata postavila...... da bi svoje krhko i dobro srce sačuvala. Možda ti se samo čini... da sam srce zaledila. See More.

Firme u blizini Comuna Caffe Bar Blue Caffe Cafe Košnica Caffe Marshall Bili ste ovde? ☆ Ocenite firmu KAFIC HRABRO SRCE Nudimo vam veliki izbor torti a za ljubitelje koktela tu su skoro sve vrste poznatih nase torte i kolace mozete poneti u nasim prakticnim gostima nudimo veliki izbor poslastica kao i sve vrste alkoholnih i bezalkohlnih ljubitelje prirode posebno smo ponosni na nasu bastu koja je idealna u letnjem periodu kao stit od buke i vrucine. Posetite nas na nasoj adresi ili nas pozovite na navedene brojeve telefona. Ostavite komentar Dodajte fotografiju Povratak na stranicu čija je osnovna delatnost Ugostiteljstvo Kafici Osnovni proizvodi/usluge za firmu Kafic Hrabro Srce kafic Hrabro Srce, Hrabro Srce.

William! You're just doing this cus ya think she sees ya. No, i know she sees me, and your father sees you too! 😐🤛. Harmonica and recorder playing in a guitar backing! All by you! Great work. Omg I love this. I've come to the right place. Perfect. Scotland, we believe in you! EU stands beside you. I would've been dead within minutes. But I would've killed many Englishman within those few minutes. More, if I'd had my earbuds in listening to bagpipes. Thank you for this. I fell in love with symphonic scores with this soundtrack, and it's great to hear your wonderful tribute.

If i was at a party and i saw Steven walking in, I'm going home lol. You have bled with Wallace now bleed with me. Gives me goosebumps everytime. 2:42 I wish to do the bastard part EVERY SIN-GLE DAY. Who doesn't want a friend like this guy.




  1. Correspondent - Cheeky Coo
  2. Resume: Rabid (no I didn't mean avid though I'm that also) book reader. Wine lush. My Native American name is drools over chocolate.


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